What are the registration options for ARIJ23?

This year’s registration is available both Virtually and in-person (Actual). Attending the ARIJ22 forum virtually is free of charge. The original cost of registration is $100 covered in full by ARIJ and its partners.

As for Actual Attendance ticket prices are as follows:

Early Bird: 15 June – 1 September : $150

Regular Registration: 2 September: $220

Your registration covers attending all forum sessions, coffee breaks, and lunch during the 3 days.

What's the cost of attending this year's forum

Virtual attendance is free. Actual attendance is available by registration. You can make use of the early-bird registration that is available until 1 September. Early bird registration is $150, and after 1 September it will be $220.

What does the in-person ticket cover for the ARIJ23 forum?

The actual registration cost covers attending the 15th annual ARIJ forum actually in Amman, including: attending all the forum sessions, coffee breaks, and lunch for 3 days.

Does registering to attend the forum in person in Amman guarantee my attendance?

No. All applications for attending the forum actually in Amman will be reviewed first. If the application is approved, an online payment link will be sent to your registered email, or you can pay via Western Union.

Will there be a physical forum in 2023?

Yes, so far we are planning to have ARIJ’s 16th Annual Forum in Jordan. However, we are following COVID-19 developments closely and monitoring the situation.

Where can I find all the details for the registration to the forum?

All details related to registration, attendance, and agenda are available on the forum’s website: https://arij23.arij.net/arij23/

What is the launch date of the 16th ARIJ Annual Forum?

The ARIJ 16th annual forum will be held on 1-3 December, 2023.

Who are the forum speakers? And what are the expected activities during the forum?

The forum will host many journalists from the fields of investigative journalism, editorials, and production. As well as those with extensive experience in the fields of investigative journalism, media and publication laws, and digital security. The forum’s program also includes hosting more than 30 events, including specialized sessions in investigative journalism, training courses, workshops, and roundtables. All the speakers will be announced in November.

What languages will be used during the forum?

The official forum languages are Arabic، English and sign language, and interpreters will be available in all sessions, in addition to sign language for all session.

Do we get Zoom links for the sessions?

You will receive links for the sessions you have registered for.

Can I watch the forum's session on Facebook?

The sessions will not be broadcasted on Facebook. Attending sessions will only be available to those who registered.

Will the forum's sessions be recorded?

Not all sessions will be recorded. Some of the sessions’ recordings will be available on ARIJ Academy in the middle of next year 2023.

Are there attendance certificates?

Getting an attendance certificate for the forum is conditional, based on attending at least 80% of all sessions.

Where can I follow the forum's updates?

You can follow the forum updates on the website here: https://arij23.arij.net/ Or you can follow us on our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

I was not accepted in the forum/ I did not receive any email confirming my acceptance/ I was denied to attend the forum

Thank you for getting in touch and for your interest in being a part of this year’s ARIJ Annual forum. Please be sure to do the following steps to confirm your registration:

1. Check the spam folder in your email. Perhaps the confirmation email is in there.

2. Make sure you’re using the same email that you registered with in the first place.

3. If you do not find the confirmation email, kindly register again

4. Please contact the ARIJ support team info@arij.net if you did not receive your confirmation email within 7 days of registering We are always here to help you, and we look forward to your participation in the 16th Annual ARIJ Forum!